SEX & RELATIONSHIP THERAPY Empowering Individuals & Reconnecting Relationships
Lara Maree She/Her
Psychosexologist & Relationship Therapist

Lara is a certified Psychosexologist and Relationship Therapist with a unique background in Functional Medicine.
She is committed to working with individuals and diverse relationship structures, guiding them through aspects such as communication, intimacy, pleasure, and addressing sexual challenges. ​
Lara offers a balanced and non-judgmental approach, creating a secure environment for exploration and self-discovery. As a therapist who is LGBTQIA+-friendly, Lara ensures an inclusive space where clients can enrich their relationships and cultivate a more satisfying sex life. ​
Embracing various relationship structures, Lara welcomes those in polyamorous, open, and CNM (Consensual Non-Monogamy) dynamics.
Her approach, is non-touch therapy, characterised by inclusivity and a commitment to empower individuals and partners to navigate their unique journey toward healthy sexual and relational well-being.
Appointments are Available online or at:
Holdsworth House/College St. Specialists
Suite 1, Level 7, 26 College Street
Darlinghurst, NSW 2010
PH: (02) 9331 7546
Women's Health Clinic Bondi
Please fill out the form below to enquire about an appointment at this location.

"Acknowledging the challenges inherent in understanding our bodies and sexuality is an empowering act. It is an affirmation that each person's journey is unique, shaped by a myriad of factors. By embracing this complexity, we pave the way for self-acceptance, dismantling unrealistic expectations, and fostering a deep sense of compassion for ourselves and others"
- Lara Maree
I can help with:
Low Libido (Hyposexual Desire Disorder) (HSDD)
Genitopelvic Pain Disorder (including Vaginismus) (GPPD)
Anorgasmia (inability to Orgasm)
Coping with Genital Dryness and Self-Lubrication Issues
Menopause (including Rapid Onset following Hysterectomy)
Breast, Cervical, and Ovarian Cancer​
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) / Performance Anxiety
Ejaculation and Orgasm Issues, including:
Delayed Ejaculation (DE)
​Premature Ejaculation (PE)
Retrograde Ejaculation
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) - All Genders
Prostate Cancer
Communication Challenges
Relationship Restructures
Diverse Relationship Structures
Common Sexual Concerns
STIs, including Disclosure to Partners
Safer Sex Practices
Impact of Aging on Sexual Function
Menopause, Vaginal dryness, changes in libido/desire
Erection Changes, Cardiovascular health, Prostate Health
Pornography Concerns
Masturbation Issues
Health-Related Concerns (Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer)
Fetishes and Paraphilias
Sexual Orientation
Gender Identity

Contact Me
If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Appointments are Available online or at:
Holdsworth House/College St. Specialists
Suite 1, Level 7, 26 College Street
Darlinghurst, NSW 2010
PH: (02) 9331 7546
Integrative Women's Health Clinic Bondi
*Please fill out the form above to enquire about an appointment at this location.